

DUMBCD-021 / CD / 2,000yen

今年オリンピック開催国の南米ブラジル産の極上ポップパンクバンドフランダー ス72 日本デビュー盤遂に登場!!! オリジナル盤に日本盤のみボーナストラックとして未発表のラモーンズのカバー を2曲収録したスペシャルエディション!! 2004年南米ブラジルのサン.レオポルドで結成された、3ピースポップパンクバン ド!!! 本作は通算3枚目となるベテランで本国では、CJ,MARKY,RICHIEの3人のRAMONEと の共演やNOFXとの共演や、TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKETとのブラジルツアーも果たして おり、今、南米で最も注目すべきPOP PUNKバンド!!! US POP PUNKの帝王The QUEERSのJoe Queerが1曲ゲスト参加しています!! 2015年にはユーロツアーも敢行し、日本のkingonsとの共演も果たしており、日 本のPOP PUNKSにも大推薦の内容であります。 初回限定300枚デジパック仕様 ☆発送は11月入ってからとなります。

G/Vo Paulinho,B/Vo Lippstein,Drs Big Mike

Category: artist

interview by japanese


俺はギターボーカルのPaulinho Tscherniak、ベースはDudu Lippstein、そしてドラムはBig Mike。
2002年に高校の友達とNoxidoっていうバンドを始めたんだ。ラモーンズのコピーバンドをやるつもりで、俺はそれまでギターを弾いたことがなかったんだ。このバンドが俺の第一歩さ。2年後にFlanders 72が誕生したんだ!いくつかのデモやシングル、2011年には"South American Punk Rockers"っていうファーストアルバムをリリースしたよ。このファーストアルバムが俺たちの真のキャリアの始まりだと思ってる。
正直な事を言うと、Ramones、The Queers、Green Dayとかの俺たちが大好きで影響を受けたバンドが英語で歌ってるから…そういうふうになりたかったんだ!だから英語で歌ってるんだ。ブラジルでこういうバンドをやるっていうのはなかなか難しいんだけど、一方でポルトガル語で歌ってたらプレイできなかったような国でプレイできるきっかけになったよ。
俺たちはThe Simpsonsが大好きなんだ!!!!FlandersっていうのはSimpsons一家の隣に住んでるおかしな一家の名前だよ。72っていうナンバーはブラジルで人気がある"Chavo"っていう70年代のメキシコのテレビシリーズから。Don Ramonっていうキャラクターが住んでる家のドアナンバーが72で、ブラジルではみんなそいつが大好きなんだ。
オフィシャルなアルバムは3枚!South American Punk Rockers(2011)、Dummyland(2013)、そしてAtomic(2016)。あといろいろシングルとかスプリットとかもあるよ。
Q,サウンドを聴くと、Ramonesはもちろん、Greenday,Screeching Weasel,The Queers等POP PUNKの影響も強く感じます。影響を受けたバンドがあれば教えてください。
もちろん!Mxpx、TBR、Rancid、Methadones、The Offspring... 俺たちが大好きな素晴らしいバンドはたくさんいるよ!
イエス!2014年にはベルギーでThe Kingonsと一緒にやったよ。彼らは素晴らしいね!他にもEllegarden、Specialthanks、Akihiro Namba、Scandal、Ken Yokoyamaとかはインターネットで見つけたよ。
CJ Ramoneと2回(2008,2012)、Richie Ramone(2012)、Marky Ramoneと2回(2014,2016)、2014年にはブラジルでTeenage Bottlerocketとツアーしたし(最高だった!)、The MangesやMike TVも。素晴らしいライブが見られて、しかも彼らとステージを共有できるっていうのはバンドをやる醍醐味だね。

interview by english

Q,Could you introduce band members?

I'm Paulinho Tscherniak, lead vocal and guitarrist.Dudu Lippstein is the bassist and Big Mike plays the drums.
Q,When and how did you form the band?
We started a band in 2002 called Noxido with some friends from high school. Our intention was to play some Ramones songs, I've never played guitar in my life.. this band was my very first step! Two years late Flanders 72 was born! We have relased some demos, ep's and stuff but in 2011 our first full-lenght was released called "South American Punk Rockers". We consider this our first real album and the beginning of our carrer.
Q,I have an impression many South American bands sing in their mother tongue language, is there any reason you sing in English?
To be honest, ALL bands that we love and that inspire us sing in english like the Ramones, The Queers, Green Day, etc... We wanted to sound like them! That's why we sing in english! It's quite complicated to have a band like this in Brazil but in the other hand it opened the door to play in countries that we would never play if we sing in portuguese.
Q,What is the meaning of the band's name? It sounds a bit funny for me.
We do love The Simpsons!!!! The Flanders are the square and stupid family that lives next door to The Simpsons. The number 72 is from a mexican tv series from 70s that is very popular in Brazil called Chavo. This character Don Ramon lives in the 72 door and everybody loves him in Brazil!
Q,How many albums have you released?
Official albums we have 3! South American Punk Rockers (2011), Dummyland (2013) and Atomic (2016). And also a lot of EP's, splits and stuff.
Q,I feel your music are influenced by Ramones and punk pop like Greenday, Screeching Weasel, The Queers etc... Are there any bands you were influenced by?>
Hell yeah! Mxpx, TBR, Rancid, Methadones, The Offspring... there are so much great bands that we love!
Q,You release the album from a Japanese label. Do you know any Japanese bands? Do you like any of them?
Yeah! in 2014 we had a blast with the The Kingons in Belgium! They're pretty great! There are some bands I've discovered on internet like Ellegarden, Specialthanks, Akihiro Namba, Scandal, Ken Yokohama...
Q,Could you tell me about current Punk-Punk Pop scene in Brazil?
It's not that good! We have a small underground punk rock scene in Brazil and a lot of great bands! Unfortunatelly, rock music is not in the mainstream around here but I believe that it's getting better compared to the last 5 years!
Q,Could you give me some band names which you've played with?
We played with CJ Ramone twice (2008 and 2012), Richie Ramone (2012), Marky Ramone twice (2014 and 2016), in 2014 we had a tour with Teenage Bottlerocket in Brazil (that was amazing!), The Manges, Mike TV... that is the deal to be in a band: you can see some GREAT shows and share the same stage!
Q,Now Brazil is getting attention for Rio Olympic. I heard there is poor public security in Brazil, how do you think actually it is?
Yeah, this is Brazil! Our people are great, dreamer, lovely, work hard... but our government is a s#*t! So fu$#@% corrupted! Unfortunatelly this is Brazil! The police are not well paid, nobody wants to be a policeman or a teacher because these professions are not well paid.. THIS IS SO SAD! Well, besides this, we are a happy people! that's why I love our suffered but happy people!
Q,Could you give a message to punk pop fans in Japan?
Hey Japan! Here in Brazil, we grew up watching Jaspion, Changeman and all those fantastic shows! It's a honor to release an album in your country! I really hope that we can play in Japan someday, that would be AMAZING!!! I hope you guys like this new album and please send us some feedback on facebook! Thank you very much! We love you!



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